Take the Paw Taw Challenge
If your setworks is outdated, unreliable, causing miss-cuts and downtime, the time to replace it has never been better!
Paw-Taw-John Setworks has a proven track record of increasing recovery from 1.5-3%
Plus You Get It ALL With PawTaw:
- State-of-the-art PLC's that are infinitely upgradable
- Multiple species w/multiple board cant and pre-stack options
- Single touch screen for operation, diagnostics and interface
- Complete carriage function control
- Set accuracy to +/- .001
- Quick and easy installation
- 30 years of industry service
Here's the math for an average hardwood mill:
- BF per day: 30,000
- Increase: .02
- BF increase per day: 600
- Run days per year: 250
- Annual BF: 150,000
- Average $ PerM: $700.00
- Free lumber from same logs: $105,000.00